Cuba is one of the most popular places for studying Spanish language. As homeland to vigorous rhythms and good cigars, Cuba offers magical landscapes, a wondrous subtropical climate and a unique cultural heritage.
During your stay in Cuba, you can learn Spanish language, and at the same time spend a fascinating vacation and have unforgettable experiences. You will learn about Cuban culture, its traditions and tourist attractions.
Cuba is an excellent option for studying Spanish while enjoying a very nice vacation!
Tourist agency Ancon offers individual courses on Spanish Language with the best and most experienced Cuban teachers in foreign-language education.
Courses for students with different levels of command in Spanish language.
2-week individual course (10 lessons) -150 CUC
3-week individual course (15lessons) - 200 CUC
4-week individual course (20 lessons) – 250 CUC
Duration of each class- 1,5 hours.
Our Agency can provide help in selecting and booking rooms or apartments where the lessons can take place.
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